Possibly break spacetime
As a physics bachelor, time and space is the largest topic ever. How enthusiastic I am to find a turbulent spacetime to seek a divin world.
AI seeker
and an eternal learner
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As a man, I am a little interesting above average. As a coder, I can do everything but stop.
As a physics bachelor, time and space is the largest topic ever. How enthusiastic I am to find a turbulent spacetime to seek a divin world.
Our moon was born too small to harbor life. It came from the collision of a Mars-sized world into the primordial Earth. From that colossal crunch spun a disk of rocks that condensed into a satellite. The sun robbed its gases, and that bully Earth slowly stole the moon’s spin, locking it so that one face always smiles at us.
For 80 years, scientists have puzzled over the way galaxies and other cosmic structures appear to gravitate toward something they cannot see. This hypothetical “dark matter” seems to outweigh all visible matter by a startling ratio of five to one, suggesting that we barely know our own universe. Thousands of physicists are doggedly searching for these invisible particles.